My name’s Alison. I’m a freelance writer and fiction author and live with my wonderful husband and our cat in Yorkshire, England. My first child, our daughter Skye, was stillborn in May 2019 at twenty-six weeks gestation.
Losing your child is one of the most heartbreaking and loneliest experiences you can go through. In the weeks and months following Skye’s death, I searched for other people like me. People who were battling with grief and uncertainty and trying to figure out what life after loss looks like. I searched Internet forums, Facebook groups, Instagram and blogs and found an entire community I didn’t know existed, which is often referred to as “the club no one wants to join”.
I started Footprints on our Hearts to provide a platform for others to share their experiences of baby loss and grief and talk openly about stillbirth, miscarriage, neo-natal death, infertility and pregnancy after loss.
But this isn’t just a podcast about death. It’s also about legacy – how we choose to remember and honour our dead children. And perhaps most of all, it’s about learning how to live again when your world comes tumbling down.
You can connect with me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/footprintsonourhearts/) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/skyesfootprints) or email alison@footprintsonourhearts.com.