#56 IVF, Ectopic Pregnancies and Robo-Babies with Laura Gallagher

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This week, I talk with Laura Gallagher, the author of Robo-Babies a children’s book that explains the many varied ways in which families can form. We discuss Laura’s experience of IVF, parenting after infertility, birth trauma and loss, and the two ectopic pregnancies she sadly experienced after her son’s birth.

In the interview, we talk about:

  • Feeling embarrassed and alone having been told they would need to go through IVF to conceive (15:02)
  • The pressure of only having one viable embryo and Rafe’s birth (19:46)
  • The challenges of bonding with your baby after infertility, birth trauma or loss (26:56)
  • Getting pregnant naturally and finding out it was ectopic (35:04)
  • Experiencing a second ectopic pregnancy and why this was so much harder (42:14)
  • Laura’s experience of grief after loss (48:45)
  • Why she decided to write Robo-Babies (58:00)

You can connect with Laura on Instagram @robomummy and get a copy of Robo-Babies from Owlet Press or all good bookstores!

In the introduction, I talk about the Channel 4 documentary, The Black Maternity Scandal, and Chine McDonald’s article in the Independent on why she used her husband’s whiteness to keep her safe.

Thanks to Izzy Syme for editing and producing the show.

If you have any feedback on the show, suggestions for guests or would like to share your story, you can connect with me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/footprintsonourhearts/), Twitter (https://twitter.com/skyesfootprints) or email alison@footprintsonourhearts.com. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a rating or review on your podcast app! You can support the show on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/footprintsonourhearts