#49 Fibroids, PAPP-A and PTSD with Christina Rothwell

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In Episode 49 of Footprints on our Hearts, I talk to Christina Rothwell about her experience of losing her baby daughter during the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact the changes to maternity care had on her pregnancy.

In the interview, we talk about:

  • Getting pregnant and finding out she had a fibroid on the outside of her uterus and low PAPP-A (6:27)
  • Going in for a repeat scan at 21-weeks and finding out her baby had died. (24:53)
  • Being given a tablet to prepare her body for labour and going in to give birth (31:38)
  • Deciding not to meet her baby, then changing her mind after she was born (39:44)
  • Meeting Peanut and feeling scared about what she’d look like (49:11)
  • Getting the post-mortem results but still not getting certainty over why she had died (53:49)
  • Christina’s experience of PTSD and how therapy has helped her overcome her trauma (56:14)

You can connect with Christina on Instagram @christinarothwell.

**I’ll be moving to fortnightly interview episodes for the next few months with additional solo shows or special episodes slotted in between. If you’d like to support the podcast and help me keep putting out episodes, please consider becoming a patron of the show – https://www.patreon.com/footprintsonourhearts **

If you have any feedback on the show, suggestions for guests or would like to share your story, you can connect with me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/footprintsonourhearts/), Twitter (https://twitter.com/skyesfootprints) or email alison@footprintsonourhearts.com. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a rating or review on your podcast app!