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This is a special extra episode of Footprints on our Hearts! I wanted to give you an update on my experience of pregnancy after loss as I start thinking about birth planning and also talk about the current impact of coronavirus on maternity care.
In this mini episode, I talk about:
- Getting through the final few weeks of pregnancy and how I’ve been trying to prepare for a positive birth experience.
- The key to getting a good night’s sleep (for me at least!).
- My anxieties around going in for an induction without my husband and what I’ve been doing about it.
- The latest guidance from NHS England on getting maternity services back to normal and variations in restrictions across the country.
- How and why you might want to advocate for your rights around pregnancy and birth.
You can read the NHS England guidance here.
The Birthrights website has lots of information on your rights in pregnancy and birth and may be able to help you if you feel you’re not being supported appropriately.